IMFS January Programme

The 1st IMFS session will take place on January 7th. Register to participate!


International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

The IMFS is a virtual conference series , held on the first Thursday of each month of the year. The series will start in 2021. Each Virtual Conference will last one day and will be focused on a specific topic which is within the rather broad manufacturing umbrella with an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and Direct Digital Manufacturing. The focus of the January meeting is “The Universal Printer”. The Chair of this meeting is Nelson Ferreira.


International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

January 7th 2021

Time* Type Title Speaker
1000 Introduction The International Manufacturing Forum Series Geoffrey Mitchell
1000 Welcome Welcome from President of the Polytechnic of Leiria Rui Pedrosa
1005 Session 1 Chair Nelson Ferreira
1005 Keynote 1 Re-perceiving 3D printing with machine learning Dan Luo, Queensland University Australia
1105 Break
1120 Session 2 Chair Nelson Ferreira
1120 Keynote 2 The Universal Printer – delivering the real promise of Direct Digital Manufacturing Geoffrey Mitchell CDRSP Polytechnic of Leiria
1200 Contributed 2 On methodologies for physical property measurements and the validation of conceptual 3D printing models João Pinheiro

CDRSP – Polytechnic of Leiria

1220 Contributed 3 Thermal mechanisms of 3D printing Tiago Santos CDRSP

Polytechnic of Leiria

1240 Contributed 4 Experimental Characterization and Simulation of Temperature in FDM process Miguel Belbut CDRSP

Polytechnic of Leiria

1300 Lunch Break
1400 Session 3 Chair Geoffrey Mitchell
1400 Keynote 3 On an approach to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics and 3D-Printing from a geometrical and topological point of view Nelson Ferreira

Polytechnic of Leiria

1440 Keynote 4 Beta-As2 Te3: Pressure-Induced 3D Dirac Semi-Metal Estelina Silva University of Porto
1520 Break
1600 Session 4 Chair Geoffrey Mitchell
1600 Contributed 5
1620 Contributed 6
1640 Contributed 7
1700 Contributed 8
1720 Summary of Forum
1800 Close


* GMT +00:00 | Western European Time (WET)