International Manufacturing Forum Series
The International Manufacturing Forum Series (IMFS) is a major initative from the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP) of the Polytechnic of Leiria in Portugal. This is a twelve day virtual conference spread over 12 months, with a one day conference held on the first thursday of each month. Each one day conference will focus on a specific topic within the broad umbrella of Manufacturing. There will be a particular emphasis on topics related to Industry 4.0 and Digital Manufacturing. CDRSP is a centre of excellence in the field of Direct Digital Manufacturing and was recently judged by an International Panel of the Foundation for Science and Technology to be the best Research Unit in the field of Mechanical Engineering and System Engineering in Portugal. The series launches in January 2021.
One simple free registration gives you access to all one day conferences in the series. We will be developing a special issue in an indexed Q1 and Q2 journal to present selected papers over the whole conference series for 2021. Click on the topic of interest in the menu , we welcome contributed papers which will be considered directly they arrive at CDRSP. Submit your work early to secure a speaker slot. We particularly welcome contributions from early career researchers. Need any help contact us via
IMFS “International Manufacturing Forum Series” is a series of seminars that aim to reach all audiences more easily and, thus, show new ideas/projects and accelerate and disseminate scientific discoveries.
Areas of study include physics, materials science, environmental science, bioscience, engineering, computer science, and mathematics, among others.
Areas of study include:
Digital Design Manufacturing
Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers
Food and Direct Digital Manufacturing
5G in Manufacturing
Digital Manufacturing on Large Scale
Natural Products and Manufacturing

Keynote Lectures
Contributed Lectures