IMFS July Programme

The 6th IMFS session will take place on July 1st. Register to participate!


International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

The IMFS is a virtual conference series, held on the first Thursday of each month of the year. The series will start in 2021. Each Virtual Conference will last one day and will be focused on a specific topic which is within the rather broad manufacturing umbrella with an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and Direct Digital Manufacturing. The focus of the July meeting is “Digital Manufacturing on a Large Scale”. The Chairs of this meeting are Olivier Larre (ESTIA, France) and Artur Mateus (CDRSP-PLeiria, Portugal).

All timings are West European Summer Time  (GMT +1)

International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

July 1st 2021


Time Type Title Speaker
Big Print
10H00 Introduction To the international Manufacturing Forum Series Artur Mateus, Olivier Larre
10H05 Welcome Prof Rui Pedrosa
10H10 Welcome Session Chairs Artur Mateus, Olivier Larre
10H15 Session 1 Wire Metal printing
Chair   Olivier Larre
10H15 Keynote 1 Large Scale Additive Manufacturing – Current status and future trends. Stewart Williams, Professor of Welding Science and Engineering, Cranfield University, UK
10H45 Qs and Discussion Keynote 1  
10H55 Contributed 1 A software-hardware-materials integrated ecosystem for WAAM Filomeno Martina, Waam3d UK
11H10 Qs and Discussion Contributed 1
11H15 Break
11H30 Keynote 2 Adaptive process control for large scale direct digital manufacturing Petter Hagqvist, Procada, Sweden


12H00 Qs and Discussion Keynote 2
12H10 Contributed 2 Light modelling approach for the estimation of part distortion in DED processes Fabien Poulhaon, ESTIA-Addimadour, France
12H25 Qs and Discussion Contributed 2  
12H30 Contributed 3 Coaxial processing heads for wire-based laser metal deposition Sebastian Thieme, Coaxworks, Germany
12H45 Qs and Discussion Contributed 3
12H50 Keynote 3 3d printing on the large scale


Peter Tommy Nielsen, FORCE Technology, Denmark
13H20 Qs and Discussion Keynote 3
13H30 Lunch Break
14H45 Session 2 Printing big with Plastics
Chair   Artur Mateus
14H45 Keynote 4 Large scale additive manufacturing of plastics using robotics Emil Johansson, RISE, Sweden
15H15 Qs and Discussion Keynote 4
15H20 Session 3 Cement printing
Chair   Olivier Larrre
15H20 Keynote 5 3D concrete printing with accelarators Volker Ruitinga, Vertico Netherlands
15H50 Qs and Discussion Keynote 5
16H00 Keynote 6 Industrialization and application of 3D printing cement in construction Alban Mallet, X-TreeE, France
16H30 Qs and Discussion Keynote 6  
16H40 Keynote 7 3D Construction Printing Technology Ricardo Carmo, COBOD, Denmark
17H10 Qs and Discussion Keynote 7  
17H20 Keynote 8 Hi Resolution Large Scale additive Manufacturing Matteo Baldassari Concr3d technology, Netherlands
17H50 Qs and Discussion Keynote 8
18H00 Summary of Forum Artur Mateus
18H15 Close
  • Title to be confrmedThe entire one day session will be recorded so as to provide an opportunity for many others to benefit from the programme. If you do not wish your presentation to be recorded please send an email to that effect to