IMFS August Programme

The 8th IMFS session will take place on August 5th. Register to participate!


International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

The IMFS is a virtual conference series , held on the first Thursday of each month of the year. The series will start in 2021. Each Virtual Conference will last one day and will be focused on a specific topic which is within the rather broad manufacturing umbrella with an emphasis on Industry 4.0 and Direct Digital Manufacturing. The focus of the August meeting is “Natural Products and Manufacturing”. The Chairs of this meeting are Matteo Radice, Laura Scalvenzi and Fred Davis.

All timings are West European Summer Time  (GMT +1)


International Manufacturing Forum Series 2021

August 5th 2021

Time Type Title Speaker
10:00 Introduction The International Manufacturing Forum Series Geoffrey Mitchell
10:05 Welcome Welcome from President of the Polytechnic of Leiria Rui Pedrosa
10:10 Session 1 Chair Fred Davis
10:15 Keynote 1 Olive Composites Juan-Pablo Ferrer
10:45 Qs & Discussion
10:55 Contributed 1 Traditional Ethnobotanic medicine: valuing the loss of ethnomedicinal knowledge in Abruzzo region Barbara Lamolinara; Polytechnic of Leiria
11:10 Qs & Discussion
11:15 Break
11:30 Keynote 2 Natural oils Raluca Dumitriu; Petru Poni Macromolecular Research Institute Iashi, Romainia
12:10 Qs & Discussion
12:20 Invited 2 Edible film/package for frozen salmon Ana Augusto

Polytechnic of Leiria

12:40 Qs & Discussion
12:50 Lunck Break
14:00 Session 2 Chair Laura Scalvenzi
14:00 Keynote 4 Electrospinning immiscible natural materials Fred Davis; University of Reading UK
14:40 Qs & Discussion
14:50 Keynote 5 Natural antimicrobials for biomedical applications Maria Luisa Gonzalez-Martin; University of Extremadura, Spain
15:30 Qs & Discussion
15:40 Break
16:00 Session 3 Chair Matteo Radice
16:00 Keynote 6 Enzymatic Promiscuity for Polymer Chemistry Antonio Biundo; University of Bari, Italy
16:40 Qs and Discussion
16:50 Keynote 7 Engineering natural products to obtain Tissue Materials: from the 3D Simulation of prototypes to the pilot and industrial manufacturing processes Joana Curto; University of Beira Interior, Portugal
17:30 Qs & Discussion
17:40 Keynote 8 The Role of Natural Fibers in Advanced Composites Alcides Lopes Leao; San Paulo University, Brazil
18:20 Qs & Discussion
18:30 Summary of Forum Fred Davis
18:45 Close

The entire one day session will be recorded so as to provide an opportunity for many others to benefit from the programme. If you do not wish your presentation to be recorded please send an email to that effect to